Ministry Opportunities 

Within the church family are many opportunities to grow, serve, and receive the encouragement of other believers. Our desire is to help you know about the many opportunities that are available within our church family, to help you get connected with these opportunities so you can best invest your spiritual gifts into God's people. Below are several opportunities, and a way for you to communicate with us how you believe the Lord has fitted you to serve within the church family.

Weekly Opportunities:
  • Sound Room and Livestreaming Team: 
  • Music Ministry:
    • Choir
    • Vocal Ensembles
    • Orchestra
    • Instrumental Ensembles
    • Congregational Hymn Playing (piano or organ) 
  • Nursery: There are opportunities to serve in the nursery during all services and Sunday school. This is an excellent way to minister to our young mothers so they can be in services with minimal distraction. 
  • Visiting and corresponding with our shut-in seniors: The fall and winter months are especially difficult on our seniors, so this is an excellent way to encourage and assist those who have a difficult time getting out to services and completing maintenance tasks around their homes.
  • Helping in our teen ministry: Pastor Josh and Becky coordinate and run all teen related ministries, however there are often opportunities to provide assistance.

Monthly Opportunities:
  • Baltimore Rescue Mission: This ministry involves coordinating services on the second Tuesday of each month. The first service is in the women's division and the second in the men's. The church van leaves around 6:30 pm and generally arrives back at the church by 9 pm. 
  • Junior Church: This is a monthly opportunity and involves working with children ages 3-6 during the morning message each week. We use the Answers in Genesis curriculum for junior church.

Quarterly Opportunities:
  • Sunday School (assisting children)
    • 3 yrs-K5
    • 1st-3rd grades
    • 4th-6th grade
  • Teen Sunday School (assisting teens)

Seasonal Opportunities:
  • Truth Trackers: Wednesday children's programs 4yrs-2nd grades (School Year)
  • Tiny Trackers: Wednesday children's program 3rd-6th grades (School Year)
  • Anchor Adventure Club: Wednesday children's program 3yrs-6th grade (Summer Months)
  • Door to Door Visitation: Monthly door to door visitation on a Saturday at 9:00 am.
  • Providing Meals: When families experience major life events like, funerals, hospitalization, or births, we like to network to provide encouragement through meals.
  • Ministering to guest speakers and missionaries: 
    • Housing during their stay:
    • Taking them out for a meal:
    • Hosting them for a meal in your home or in the fellowship hall:

Special Projects:
  • Mission's Trips (in country)
  • Mission's Trips (international)
  • Administrative projects
  • Graphics and Design projects

Let Us Know Where You are Interested